When Maharishi Ved Vyas came up with the idea of composing eighteen Puranas, he started preparing for it. In those days when there were no typewriters, no computers and only bamboo pens for writing, the project of preparing 18/18 such colossal texts was unthinkable. Since writing by thinking on his own would take a lot of time and would not be very effective, he needed a fast scribe, so he hired Ganeshji. Ganeshji’s hands moved so fast that he could write down what Veda Vyas said on paper as soon as it came out of his mouth. The writer was decided but Veda Vyas had a problem of space. He went in search of a place where there would be no noise, a beautiful and healthy climate and no one would disturb his work. While searching, he decided that there was a spring of water from the melting snow of Mount Lumbasumba and built a stone bench to sit there and write, and while he was working, he made a pond by collecting water around the bench so that no one else would come and interrupt the work. After that Veda Vyasa said and Ganeshji started writing. Eighteen Puranas were created in a few years. After completing the eighteen creations, Veda Vyasa called the gods, Yakshas, Gandharva Kinnars, Nagas, Apsaras, etc. and organized a Devasabha along with the Mahapuranas at that place to review those texts. The name of that pond where Ved Vyas held the Devasabha came to be Sabhapokhari. If there is any garbage or leaves in the pond, Veda Vyas gave two birds the responsibility of picking it up and throwing it away. The river became the drainage water of Sabhapokhari and became Sabhakhola.