Population of Khandwari Municipality

According to the municipality poster 2076, the total population of the municipality is 34,727.



According to the municipality poster 2076, the total population of the municipality is 34,727. In which the population of women. 17069, male population is 17649 and other population is 9. The population of men (50.82 percent) is comparatively more than that of women (49.15 percent) by 1.67 percent. Central Statistics Department, National Census V.No. According to 2068, the female population of this municipality was 5.64 percent more than the male population. Statistically, the number of women was 16467 (52.82 percent) and the number of men was 14710 (4718 percent). Taking this as a base, it is seen that the population has increased by 3.66 percent for women and 19.98 percent for men by the year 2076. The overall population growth rate is around 1.42 percent annually. According to the National Census, 2068, the average number of households per household was 4.18, but now this number has reached 4.69, i.e. an increase of about 0.51 percent.

Ward wise, ward number 1 has more population (13.49 percent) followed by ward number 9 and 7 where 12.89 and 11.46 percent of the total population are living respectively. Ward No. 5 with the lowest population where about 4 73 percent and Ward No. 2, 6 and 11 are respectively where 6.11, 6.49, 6.70 percent of the total population live.

According to the municipal profile picture 2076, the population of the age group of 19 to 24 years is more (about 35.8 percent), while the population of the age group of 6 to 14 years is 17.2 percent, i.e. 5967 people. 25 to 49 years age group is about 11.2 percent, 15 to 18 years age group is about 7.8 percent, 50 to 59 years age group is about 8.3 percent and 60 years and above is about 11 percent. The number of economically active (15-59 years old) is 63.05 percent of the total population i.e. 21896, while the population under 15 years of age is 9008 i.e. about 25.9 percent of the total population. In the total population, its proportion is about 1.91 percent (664) of citizens with disabilities and the number of people with physical disabilities is more.

Khandbari population