There is a lake named Dhanpokhari in the eastern part of Madi municipality. Even though Heidi is small, the lake has its own characteristics. Its water surface is always moving and seems to be boiling in the pot. According to the myth about the pond, there is immense wealth at the bottom of the pond and that wealth is being protected by an eight-faced serpent. In ancient times, salt was brought to Nepal from Tibet and those who went to get salt used to go through the same route. At night, the Batuas used to get fantastic shelter from the unknown power around that lake. And when foreigners were hungry, a bowl of freshly cooked waffle rice would appear in the lake. After eating rice, the foreigners would wash the pot and throw it in the pond. But one day, after eating rice, one of the badass Batuwa threw the pot into the pond. Due to this, Dhanganga, the goddess of Dhanpokhari, became very angry and when she jumped out of anger, the part of the pond on the south side collapsed and caused a severe flood. And the practice of providing hot rice for foreigners in the pool was also stopped forever. The local people apologized to Dhanganga and built a wall on the southern side to control the Zenten water. This is still going on. Even now in the middle of the night in the middle of the pond, the sound of Panchebaza played by the councilors of Dhanganga can be heard from outside during special dates including Undhauli Umbhauli.